Riverside Local Schools
Educating Excellence!

Absentee P.E.

Absentee P.E.

Student Name: ____________________________ Class Period: ____________

Parent/Guardian/ Coach Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______


(Alternative Daily Assignment)


This form must be completed and turned into your teacher within five (5) days of any excused absence. An excused absence includes illness, field trips, meetings, school sports/activities, and clinic visits. Thirty (30) minutes of activity must be completed after school to replace the class time that has been missed. This can be completed through a variety of physical activities including after school athletics, biking, jogging, weight lifting, aerobics, etc. This form can be used for multiple absences up to four days of missed class days. If a student misses five (5) or more consecutive days, they must then complete an alternative physical education assignment found on the P.E. online classroom. Please complete the form with the day of the week missed, date, total time on task, and the activity that you completed. This form must be signed by a parent, guardian, or coach in order to count for points towards your grade. Each day that is made up is worth twenty (20) points per day.

1. Date Missed: ________________ Reason for Absence: __________________________

Day – 00 / 00 / 00

Date of Activity: _______________ Activity: _________________ Total Time: _____

Day – 00 / 00 / 00 Minutes

2. Date Missed: ________________ Reason for Absence: __________________________

Day – 00 / 00 / 00

Date of Activity: _______________ Activity: _________________ Total Time: _____

Day – 00 / 00 / 00 Minutes

3. Date Missed: ________________ Reason for Absence: __________________________

Day – 00 / 00 / 00

Date of Activity: _______________ Activity: _________________ Total Time: _____

Day – 00 / 00 / 00 Minutes

4. Date Missed: ________________ Reason for Absence: __________________________

Day – 00 / 00 / 00

Date of Activity: _______________ Activity: _________________ Total Time: _____

Day – 00 / 00 / 00 Minutes