Riverside Local Schools
Educating Excellence!

District Spelling Bee

Congratulations to 8th grader Brie Lucas for winning the District Spelling Bee on January 23!

She represented Riverside Local Schools at the Lake County Spelling Bee on February 3 at Lake Erie College where she placed in the Top 4.

We’d also like to congratulate our District Runner-Up, 7th grader Amelia Greig as well as all our grade-level and building-level spelling bee champs who also participated in the District Spelling Bee.

4th Grade Champs - Brandon Cartledge (Buckeye), Henry Morse (Melridge), Wyatt Proudfit (Parkside) & Edward Roberts (Riverview)
5th Grade Champs - William Calhoun (Parkside), Liberty Smith (Riverview) & Lydia Beris (LaMuth)
6th Grade Champ - Stephen Horvath
7th Grade Champ - Amelia Greig
8th Grade Champ - Brie Lucas

You can watch the District Spelling Bee HERE