The Riverside Local Excellence for Education Foundation provides grants in support of innovative educational programs and materials for the students and faculty of the Riverside Local School District. These grants are to enhance the regular curriculum and afford a more meaningful and diverse education for students.
Our focus is District-wide. We strive for equity in servicing the needs of students and faculty across the Riverside Local School District. We work in partnership with our school organizations and stakeholders. We are open and accountable to those whom we serve. Community-wide involvement and dedicated volunteers are the lifeblood of the Foundation.
RLEEF is committed to academic excellence by underwriting strategic programs that enhance the educational process. We desire to expand its current contribution base so that more grants and scholarships can be funded via investment earnings rather than principle expenditures.
RLEEF works continuously to improve image, reputation and visibility. We continue to expand the quality and frequency of communications within the community we serve.
RLEEF proudly sponsors and acts as the fiscal agent for a variety of scholarships. These scholarships honor former District educators and alumni. The scholarships benefit and are awarded to students and graduating seniors from Riverside High School. Each scholarship has its own application process and requirements. Each sponsoring group has its own selection committee separate from RLEEF.
To view the criteria and apply for a scholarship, click on the name of the scholarship.
Melissa Fankboner was an ever-present volunteer at Madison Avenue Elementary School. Her joyous heart and dedicated spirit enriched the lives of hundreds of parents, students and teachers during her eight years (2009-2017) of serving tirelessly in the classroom, helping students and teachers, and on the Board of the Madison Avenue School Community Organization (MASCO). Melissa, who had a degree in Early Childhood Education, believed strongly in education and valued the medical professionals who guided her care when illness struck. In keeping with that spirit and those values, a $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating student who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0, has demonstrated motivation, community service and volunteerism, and will be entering a field of study in education, medicine or a related area at a two or four-year college or university.
This scholarship is given by the Gaubatz family in recognition of the many health care workers who make a difference in lives every day. In keeping with that spirit and those values, the student who receives this scholarship will have demonstrated a record of academic achievement, motivation, community service and volunteerism, and will be entering a field of study in medicine or a related area. The Gaubatz Nursing Scholarship awards $1,000 to a graduating senior who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Eugene Harden, a retired pipefitter, always supported the trades as a member of the Pipefitters Local 120 union. Eugene has a history of firefighters and first responders in his family and fully believed that the need for people training and working in these fields is critical in keeping our society running. This $500 scholarship is awarded in memory of Eugene Harden to continue his passions and beliefs of work in the trade jobs and first responders.
The George E. Inscho Jr. Memorial ScholarshipGeorge Inscho, Jr. began his career with the Riverside Local Schools as a social studies teacher. He later became the principal of Riverside High School for a period of 12 years. Mr. Inscho was named Assistant Superintendent in 1967 and served in that capacity until being named Superintendent in 1974. Following his Riverside career, he served as the Lake County Schools Superintendent for 11 years. Mr. Inscho was named to the Staff Hall of Fame in 1997. During the 50-year celebration of Riverside, Mr. Inscho's family and friends established this $1,000 scholarship which is awarded to a graduating student who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and intends to major in the field of education at a four-year college or university.
Henry F. LaMuth came to Riverside Schools to serve as the first principal of the newly opened Riverside High School in 1949. He came to Riverside from Kirtland Schools and in 1955 became the Lake County Schools Superintendent, serving in that position until his retirement in 1977. Under Mr. LaMuth's leadership, the Lake County Joint Vocational School (now Auburn Career Center) was established and built. The District's middle school was renamed LaMuth Middle School to honor Mr. LaMuth and his outstanding dedication to education and to the students of Riverside Local and Lake County Schools. This $1,500 scholarship is awarded to a graduating student who attended LaMuth Middle School, has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and intends to major in the field of science or engineering at a four-year college or university.
Dr. Mary Allen Porter's teaching career began in 1972 at Riverside High School. Dr. Porter started teaching art the following year at John R. Williams Jr. High School. As a Riverside teacher, she developed an Arts Concept class and served in many other capacities including Student Council advisor, National Honor Society advisor, and Yearbook advisor. Her guidance allowed students to realize their goal of memorializing American Military Personnel whose deaths did not result from declared wars, which included a memorial dedication at Arlington National Cemetery in 2004. Being named the Riverside VFW Teacher of the Year Nominee in 2005 was just one of the many honors she accepted on behalf of her students. Her greatest love and legacy was the time she spent with her students and the influence she had upon them in serving one another, their school and their community. This $1,000 scholarship in her honor is awarded to a graduating student who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and intends to major in the field of art or education at a four-year college or university.
David W. Shaner taught at Riverside High School from 1951 to 1985. During his 34 years at Riverside Schools, he produced 54 high quality, professional level productions of some of the greatest plays in the American theater. His presentations became legendary in the community. His teaching in the classroom in the subjects of English, Speech and Drama influenced thousands of students who benefited from his concepts of high standards, hard work and always striving for excellence. This $500 scholarship is awarded to a graduating student who has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and intends to pursue a major in English, Drama and the Arts or Communications at a two or four-year accredited college or university, conservatory or vocational school.
The John J. Weiss ScholarshipJohn J. Weiss served the Riverside Local Schools for 23 years as a high school principal and assistant superintendent. Mr. Weiss was instrumental in establishing many programs at Riverside - among them the Riverside Alumni Association, the #1 Club, the Employment Skills Workshop, and the Riverside Local Schools' Hall of Fame. Two scholarships were established in 1997 in recognition of Mr. Weiss' ongoing support of education and his desire for every student to be successful in their pursuits. Regardless of field of study, the graduating students awarded will have met the criteria of maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.0. A $500 scholarship is awarded to a student entering a two-year program at a college or technical school and a $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a student entering a four-year college or university.
The Janice R. Wunderlich Scholarship Janice R. Wunderlich taught gifted education, science, special education, preschool, art and environmental studies throughout her career at Riverside Schools. She was chosen as the National VFW Teacher of the Year, inducted into the #1 Club, recognized by the U.S. House of Representatives, and had a flag flown in her honor aboard a C-141C during a WSAF combat mission to Iraq airlifting our nation's wounded soldiers from hostile territory. Established in 2009, this scholarship was designed as a continuing recognition of Mrs. Wunderlich's years of passion and dedication to the students she taught. This $1,000 scholarship will annually recognize a student who exhibits strong habits of mind and spirit who has maintained a GPA greater than the value of Pi (3.14).