Riverside Local Schools
Educating Excellence!

District Facilities Update

In May of 2023, the Board of Education approved a resolution to hire Bialosky and Partners Architects, LLC to provide the District with a facility condition assessment for Buckeye Elementary, Melridge Elementary, LaMuth Middle School and Riverside Campus. Throughout the course of the past few months, Bialosky conducted an extensive review of these buildings to determine the condition of major architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems as well as to document any deficiencies identified and to prioritize critical needs to address moving forward.

On December 4, 2023, Bialosky presented their findings to the Board of Education at a Work Session. You can see the facility assessments and cost matrix for each building HERE.

In early 2024, the District began working on a new facilities master plan to help solve recurring issues with enrollment and aging buildings. The District put out a parent and community member survey in May of 2024 to see who would be interested in joining a committee to help develop a new facilities plan.

In June and July of 2024, the District scheduled four focus groups amongst everyone who was interested in being part of the new plan to garner ideas and input. In August and September of 2024, the District hosted two more Facilities meetings with parents and community members to discuss both short-term needs and long-term needs. 

In September of 2024, the District released a video presentation and survey to parents, community members and stakeholders to get more input on both short-term needs and long-term needs. 

On September 26, 2024, the Board voted to begin the work by building an eight classroom addition onto Riverview Elementary. Over the course of the next few months, the District and the Board will publish a request for qualifications for a design professional and a construction manager at risk to further this process. 

The District will continue to host long-term Facility Meetings as we develop the vision for the District moving forward. 

Facilities Plan History:

Between 2008 and 2013, the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) recommended the replacement of all school buildings within the District except LaMuth Middle School following several in-depth facility assessments. In 2014, a District Facilities Committee was formed, made up of community members and staff. 

In 2016, a three-phase plan was created by the District Facilities Committee and approved by the Board of Education. 

A 1.92-mill Bond Levy (Phase I) passed in November of 2016. The passage of this levy resulted in the construction of two larger elementary schools (Parkside and Riverview) while decommissioning four of the District's oldest elementary schools (Hadden, Hale, Leroy & Madison Avenue).

In September of 2019, Parkside and Riverview elementary schools opened its doors to staff, students and the community.

A 5.37-mill Bond Levy (Phase II) failed in May of 2022. Phase II would have allowed for the construction of a new 6-12 campus on the current Riverside Campus property. Due to the failure of this bond levy, Phase III was disrupted. Phase II would have converted LaMuth Middle School to a larger elementary school with funds received from the OFCC.