Riverside Local Schools
Educating Excellence!

Shoebox Books


Each week, your child will be bringing home one or two books to read to members of the family. We will have a poem book for each letter as well as a story or two written by each letter person or a book tied to our weekly theme.

When we read the poem books in class, we are focusing on identifying the rhyming words in the poem. Each child is asked to circle the pair of rhyming words with a red crayon – their “Red Rhymer”. Afterwards, we will generate a list of other words that rhyme with the identified pair. I list these words on the easel and the children copy them on the inside cover of their book. When your child brings this book home to share with you, have them read it to at least 5 people or 'things' - their pet, stuffed animal, boy/girl in the mirror. Have each person sign the cover. As an extension, see if you and your child can think of any other words that rhyme and record those on the inside cover.

Each week, I will introduce 1-3 new sight words that we will add to our word wall. I will always list these in the newsletter. If you have not yet done so, please record each word that has been introduced in class on an index card and practice these words daily. These words will appear in the books that each letter person has “written” for us and in our weekly themed books. Additionally, these are words that your child will be exposed to frequently in other literature, as well. These are “sight words” because they cannot be sounded out and must be learned and recognized on sight (within 3 seconds). Our first sight word assessment will be in October once the first 12 words have been introduced.

Prior to reading a story, I will have introduced the new sight words to the class. These words are placed on the word wall. After introducing the rebus/picture words for the story, we take a picture walk and discuss the characters and setting. After the books are distributed to the class, each child becomes a word detective, tracking the text, looking for all of the word wall words and highlighting them with their yellow crayon. We will read the story several times in class before it comes home. When they read it to you at home, encourage them to track the text with their finger (so they are not just reciting the story from memory). You might also point to the highlighted word wall words in random order for additional sight word practice. As an extension, ask your child to count the number of words on the page and compare the number to those on the facing page. Be sure to discuss the story elements of character, setting and problem, if applicable, after reading.  Make reading time a special, relaxing time. Don’t worry about mistakes. If your child misreads or doesn’t recognize a word, you may want to ask her or him to look at the word again, ask if the misread word makes sense, or if another word would sound better or say the word if your child appears to be struggling. . IF YOUR CHILD IS HAVING DIFFICULTY READING THE TEXT INDEPENDENTLY, PLAY “BE MY ECHO” where you track the text and read a page aloud and they repeat and do the same. Have them read the story to at least five people or “Things” at home before placing them in the shoebox (you can even have them decorate the box!). Every so often, pull out the box and have them read the stories. They will be pleased and so proud of themselves as they see how their reading skills have developed and how they are becoming more fluent readers.